
Spooky atmo­sphere in the Allgäu nature 

What was I thin­king? I quickly disco­vered this small pond near our accom­mo­da­tion, but how do you get here? There doesn’t seem to be a path, at least not on any hiking map. Various map and outdoor apps don’t show anything either. And yet I’m now walking through the dark­ness. In the fog. There must be a way and I want to find it before sunrise. Read the blog to find out if and how I managed it. 

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On the go in dense fog in the Allgäu 

I grab my ruck­sack and quietly close the door of the vaca­tion apart­ment on the farm behind me. It’s still pitch dark outside and I’m comple­tely unfa­mi­liar with the surroun­dings, but I set off to take photos anyway. At last, after what feels like ages. I know that the area around the farm is partly untouched nature. So off into the unknown. There’s always some­thing to photo­graph. But this time I don’t even know which direc­tion is best, I have to let my intui­tion guide me. Will anything come of it? Let’s see what this land­scape here in the Allgäu has to offer. This morning will show. 

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Behind the shot

Simply inde­scri­bable | Photo trip to the Faroe Islands 3/3

I’m sitting at the break­fast table in our flat, sipping comfor­tably on my laptop. The weather maps for the next two days show good weather for our plans. One more click and our ferries are booked. It’s easy and pretty straight­for­ward online. These are the Faroe Islands too. I’ve booked a ferry to Mykines and Puffin Island for us today and a ferry to Kalsoy for tomorrow. So the programme for the next few days is set. 

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Behind the shot

Bein­dru­ckende Wasser­fälle | Foto-Reise auf die Färöer 2/3

The next few days on the Faroe Islands are coming up and it remains exci­ting. Over the next 48 hours, we will visit the capital, go to old mystical and legen­dary places, photo­graph water­falls in the rain, probably the most photo­gra­phed place in the Faroe Islands, climb the highest moun­tain in the archi­pe­lago and drive to the far north-east. But read for yourself. 

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Krai-Woog-Gumpen Waterfall 

During a stay in the southern Black Forest, I was able to photo­graph the beau­tiful water­fall called Krai-Woog-Gumpen. Read the blog to find out how I managed to take great pictures despite poor photo conditions.

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Foto Spots in Südtirol: Kastel­ruth und die Seiser Alm 

Südtirol hat einiges zu bieten: Schöne Land­schaften auf den Bergen und in Tälern, Wasser­fälle und Seen und einige andere Kurio­si­täten. In diesen Blog-Beiträgen werde ich einige davon vorstellen, die sich hervor­ra­gend für das Foto­gra­fieren eignen…

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