

Wein- und Wallfahrtsort

Malsch — Kalender 2025

Auch für das Kalen­der­jahr 2025 habe ich wieder einige wunder­schöne Aufnahmen in Malsch und seiner unmit­tel­baren Umge­bung gesam­melt und daraus einen kunst­vollen Kalender gestaltet. Druck­frisch wird er Anfang Dezember erscheinen, aber am Besten jetzt gleich vorbe­stellen, denn die Anzahl ist limitiert!


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A illus­trated book about the wine and pilgrimage town and its nature and landscapes

During the pandemic you should stay at home. I used the time in my home­town for a project and photo­gra­phed it from all corners. In this illus­trated book you can expect over 200 pages of high-quality photo­graphs of my home­town Malsch and the nature and land­scapes that surround it. So you have not seen this place yet. 


Blog posts

Taking photos when the weather doesn’t cooperate 

Oh man, I wish I’d just stayed in bed. Now I have 30 minutes of hiking uphill in complete dark­ness through the Pala­ti­nate Forest and over an hour’s drive behind me and I’m stan­ding here in the middle of the fog soup instead of above it as planned. And yet the weather models were all in agree­ment. Fog level, dawn, ever­y­thing should have been fine. What now? Turn around, go home and give up or pull through and see what you can get out of it with a little crea­ti­vity? In this BLOG/VLOG, I finally get to grips with the auto­matic focus bracke­ting of my Sony a7IV, go in the direc­tion of B&W fine art with my images, show you how to get black and white images quickly and easily in LR/PS and prove to you that giving up is not an option and that you can always find some­thing photo­gra­phi­cally interesting!

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Photo­gra­phing mush­rooms in the forest 

Fall time is mush­room time. And although I was told it wasn’t going to be a mush­room year this year, I was comple­tely surprised when I saw mush­rooms ever­y­where to my left and right on my jogging route. While I was running, I thought to myself that a visit to the forest with my camera would be wort­hwhile. At home I set up my equip­ment and saw the email that the Sony a7IV can now do focus bracke­ting. I have to try that out. So I quickly installed the update and headed into the forest before the sun went down. Trans­lated with DeepL.com (free version) 

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