Bein­dru­ckende Wasser­fälle | Foto-Reise auf die Färöer 2/3

The next few days on the Faroe Islands are coming up and it remains exci­ting. Over the next 48 hours, we will visit the capital, go to old mystical and legen­dary places, photo­graph water­falls in the rain, probably the most photo­gra­phed place in the Faroe Islands, climb the highest moun­tain in the archi­pe­lago and drive to the far north-east. But read for yourself. 

You can see the VLOG to the BLOG at the bottom of the page or you can reach it via this button:


Sony a7IV
Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM
Sony FE 4/24–105 mm G
Sony FE 100–400 mm GM
DJI Mini 3 Pro


We sit across the dining table from our rented apart­ment in Miðvágur and are some­what disil­lu­sioned. A look at the weather maps for the next few days dampened our mood from the previous evening. Rain, low clouds, fog. Will we be able to see anything at all when we’re out and about?

In my last blog/vlog post, I talked about the weather on the Faroe Islands. Also the pecu­lia­ri­ties that we were just begin­ning to under­stand — or at least try to understand.

Today there was supposed to be a lot of rain, fog in some parts and very low-hanging clouds. As we won’t be able to see very far, the plan was to visit the capital Tórshavn. This is located in the south, on the east coast of the island of Streymoy. Its name, as you might guess, actually comes from Thor, the Norse god of thunder and light­ning and, of course, the harbor. It is home to almost a third of the total population.

In Tórshavn there is a small penin­sula called Tinganes. There you will find densely packed turf houses in a typical “old town” and former govern­ment buil­dings painted red. Also worth seeing is a small fort­ress with a light­house. This was used during the Second World War to fend off the Nazis. During this time, the Faroe Islands were under peaceful British occu­pa­tion, who were afraid that Germany would want to use the Faroe Islands to launch an inva­sion of Great Britain.

Tórshavn | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM


The weather remained as it was, even after we had explored Tórshavn, and visi­bi­lity even dete­rio­rated slightly. For this reason, we visited a nearby water­fall on the Sandá River. This mystical-looking weather was perfect for this.

At the place where we visited the Sandá, it flows under an old stone bridge and down a small slope over a few rapids. The water­fall is wider than it is high and was espe­ci­ally full of water on the day we were there.

Photo­gra­phi­cally, I proceeded as I always do with water­falls. I tried to find the ideal expo­sure time, which is usually some­where between 1/10 s and 1 s in my opinion. Close the aper­ture suffi­ci­ently so that ever­y­thing is sharp, whereby the back­ground in the fog, in this case the old stone bridge, plays less of a role as it will not show any “sharp edges” on the photo in the dense fog either way. Whether a filter needs to be used depends on personal prefe­rence and also on whether I can lower the ISO far enough to get the expo­sure time I want.

Sánda I | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM


Kirk­ju­bøur in the south-west of Streymoy is also just a few minutes away from Tórshavn. Kirk­ju­bøur was once the spiri­tual and cultural center of the Faroe Islands. With three special monu­ments, it is one of the country’s main attractions.

One of these is the ruins of Magnus Cathe­dral from around 1300, which was built or commis­sioned by the bishop of the time. However, the Faroese refused to build it as they did not want to pay the high church dues. Accor­ding to some accounts, the bishop himself was murdered in the cathedral.

The other sights are Olav’s Church from the 13th century and the oldest preserved farm from the Viking Age on the Faroe Islands, the royal court of Kirk­ju­bøur. As you can see from my pictures, we still had fog, and a suitably mystical atmo­sphere for pictures of this place.

Ruine der Magnus­ka­the­drale | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Fishing Huts / The Nix

We had planned to visit the outer west of the island of Vágar in the evening. The sky was still over­cast, but towards evening the chances of the sun coming through increased and the chances of an evening glow were signi­fi­cantly higher. We set off in good time to visit a few small B‑spots on the way to our actual destination.

The first spot was right next to Sørvágs­vatn. These are small fishermen’s cottages. They are located on the edge between the lake and the road and can be easily reached on the way from Miðvágur to the airport. They are small fishermen’s houses with turf roofs and tradi­tional stone walls, which can be used as a beau­tiful foreground/motif. The back­ground is formed by the Slave Rock or other hills in the area. You can park just a few meters away at a junc­tion on the road, which is followed by a short dirt track parallel to the main road.

A little further on towards the airport, where there is also a junc­tion that is easy to miss, there is a rela­tively new work of art — the mermaid in the shape of a horse. There is even a story about the statue, which is written on a sign on site. Photo­gra­phi­cally, a long expo­sure is ideal here. I can recom­mend this spot when the sky is cloudy, before sunset in the evening or during the blue hour.

Fishing Huts am Sørvágs­vatn | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Bøur / Tind­hólmur Aussichtspunkt

We continued past Sorvagur in the direc­tion of Bøur, along the Sørvágs­fjørður. There are more small but beau­tiful B‑spots here. On the one hand, there are a few beau­tiful little houses by the roadside, which can be photo­gra­phed very inte­res­t­ingly with the fjord walls oppo­site, or with Dran­garnir and Tind­hólmur in the background.

There is also a beau­tiful little house on the edge of the village in the small village of Bøur, which makes a lovely motif. You can park right next to it. There is also a great water­fall through Bøur — for those who haven’t seen enough water­falls yet.

The road that leads further out to the end of Vágar is also nice to photo­graph. Just take a short break at the side of the road and enjoy the view back along Sørvágsfjørður.

Visi­ting Sørvágs­fjørður | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Gása­dalur & Múlafossur

The desti­na­tion of our evening photo tour was Gása­dalur and the water­fall called Múla­fo­ssur, which cascades into the sea. If you continue along the road, you reach the basin in which the village is located, after which you drive through a dark tunnel. In my opinion, it’s well worth getting there a little earlier to visit a few of the view­points in the village and enjoy the unique views. However, our desti­na­tion was the well-known A‑spot, which is on the way towards the sea and the old harbor.

When we arrived, several other photo­graphers were already there. One Swede and a total of three Italians. They, too, were photo­gra­phing the scene that emerges from here when you look out over the Múla­fo­ssur, which flows directly into the sea. In the back­ground is the small village, the beau­tiful basin and the impres­sive moun­tains that surround it. The scene is breath­ta­king and beau­tiful, which is probably why it has been photo­gra­phed so many times. But that doesn’t stop me and many others from taking our own version of this scene.

If you want some­thing more indi­vi­dual, you can of course also take details. I find the water­fall parti­cu­larly beau­tiful when there is no wind. It forms a straight column down­wards, which can be “frozen” with a very short expo­sure time and forms a perfect round wreath when it hits the sea at the lower end. I tried to bridge the waiting time for the sunset by waiting for the perfect moment with a seagull or a puffin flying through. This proved to be extre­mely diffi­cult, but was a way to immor­ta­lize your own touch in a picture of this place. If you have strong winds at the loca­tion, the water of the water­fall some­times flies back up. This also makes for special, more indi­vi­dual pictures of this place.

Unfort­u­na­tely, the sun disap­peared behind clouds quite quickly when we arrived and didn’t show itself again in the evening. We stood there for over 1.5 hours, but unfort­u­na­tely there was no real sunset. But the clouds still created a great atmo­sphere. Espe­ci­ally when low passing clouds got stuck in the moun­tains around Gásadalur.

On the way home we stopped again at Tind­hólmur and at the mermaid for a photo.

Gása­dalur | Sony a7IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Wande­rung auf Slættaratindur

The next morning was the oppo­site of the previous day in terms of the weather. A blue sky surrounded us in all direc­tions. Good for a hike to a view­point, e.g. to the highest peak on the Faroe Islands: Slættaratindur.

On the way there, we passed the Risin og Kellingin view­point again, so we stopped for another picture in beau­tiful but less atmo­spheric weather. Then we drove to the parking lot for hikers at the highest moun­tain on the Faroe Islands.

We had just over an hour of non-stop clim­bing ahead of us along a well-trodden path and a slope full of small rocks, gravel and meadow. The first half is very steep and goes straight up towards the top of the moun­tain. The terrain was always muddy, slip­pery, scree and stones, gravel. The second half is some­what flatter and leads more along the moun­tain. However, the path becomes some­what narrower. The last few meters to the lower view­point are steep over rocks. There are several chains to hold on to, but they are not abso­lutely neces­sary. To reach the upper view­point, you walk around the summit and climb a few more meters over rocks.

The view is sensa­tional and defi­ni­tely worth the effort. You get a view of the north of the Faroe Islands with Risin og Kellingin and the island of Kalsoys or you can see as far south as Streymoy or even watch Fossa water­fall, which looks almost tiny from up here. We were there around midday and saw that really beau­tiful compo­si­tions are possible on site. In the morning or evening sun, parti­cu­larly beau­tiful shots should be possible here. The weather fore­cast for us on these days was morning or evening but without sun. The visi­bi­lity was also expected to be signi­fi­cantly worse that after­noon, namely rainy and foggy. That’s why the visit was only an option at lunchtime. For comple­teness: the descent takes about 45 minutes.

Blick von Slæt­tara­tindur | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Zweiter Versuch Funningur

I had already reported on the view­point on Funningur and its fjord in the last part. As the view­point was prac­ti­cally on the way again, we wanted to try our luck again and stop there. But once again we were only half lucky. Once again, fog and clouds blocked our view. Although they were still hanging quite loosely in the fjord and not as thick as on our first attempt, they still spoiled the view of this impres­sive scenery a little.

The sun was shining at the top of the view­point. We enjoyed the plea­sant warmth and waited. At the bottom, the clouds were loosening from time to time but quickly closed in again. After a long wait, it became incre­asingly over­cast and we decided to move on. We had a few shots that were almost good, even if they were far from satisfactory.

Our desti­na­tion for the afternoon/evening was the north-east. The weather service had given us the hope that we would have the best visi­bi­lity and be the least exposed to the rain here.

Blick auf Funningur | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM

Viða­reiði und das Geis­ter­dorf auf Borðoy

We wanted to reach Viða­reiði before the cloud cover and fog comple­tely enve­loped us, but that wasn’t quite enough, the far north was already thick. On the outward journey, there is actually a spot with lots of water­falls along the coast, which can be beau­tifully photo­gra­phed with a drone. However, with a visi­bi­lity of 20m in places, this was not possible in our case.

The village of Viða­reiði is also great thanks to the loca­tion of the church. There is also the coast­line, which is directly adja­cent and very photo­genic in both direc­tions. The house with the river in the fore­ground by the church is also a beau­tiful motif. Great shots are possible here, even in this weather, even if there are no visible large moun­tains surroun­ding the village.

The weather we had was supposed to be ideal for the ghost town on Borðoy, but when we got there, the weather was suddenly almost too good again. We would have liked it to be even foggier for the pictures to have a ghostly effect. However, we could see where the fog was hanging on the neigh­boring island of Viðoy. We struck up a conver­sa­tion with the local farmer/sheep farmer and found out a bit about the place. He explained to us that the “ghost town” is not really aban­doned and is only referred to as such by the tourist board. He still looks after the houses, is actually on site every day and ever­y­thing is still habitable.

Wasser­fall bei Viða­reiði | DJI Mini 3 Pro

Wasser­fälle auf Borðoy

So we had a look around and then drove back. On the way back, we saw two beau­tiful, large and inte­res­ting water­falls along the way, which we wanted to try and capture photo­gra­phi­cally. However, the shots proved to be diffi­cult, due to the size and also the perspec­tive proxi­mity, it was not easy to find special compositions.

The first water­fall had large rocks at the bottom, which were beau­tifully washed by the water. However, I liked the overall shot rather mediocre. On the other hand, detailed shots of the last cascade were very nice.

The second water­fall was signi­fi­cantly larger and wider, but also less orga­nized. For the best picture, in my opinion, I got back into the water and used the lower cascade as the fore­ground. I also took another detail there.

Wasser­fall auf Borðoy | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 4/24–105 mm G

Fossa im Nebel

As we were already in water­fall mode, we decided to take a small detour via the Fossa water­fall on the way back to our accom­mo­da­tion. The rain inten­si­fied a little and the fog thic­kened again. This should lead to some great atmo­spheric pictures at the Fossa.

Shoo­ting in the rain is gene­rally chal­len­ging. The spray from the water­fall is then joined by the drops from above. This means alter­na­ting between wiping and photo­gra­phing. You also had to be careful not to slip on the wet rocks and paths.

Photo­gra­phi­cally, the wide angle from below is possible at the Fossa. However, you can only see the first cascade, or very little of the second. From certain posi­tions, shots with a slight tele­photo are also possible, for example, if someone were to stand at the top below the second cascade, this could also result in great pictures showing the scale of the water­fall. However, the path to the top was very slip­pery in the rain and would have been dange­rous. So we didn’t do that. Instead, I went up with the drone. But you have to be careful because of the power lines. It’s also inte­res­ting with a person in the picture, as the size of the water­fall becomes appa­rent. As you can see, many things are possible.

Fossa in the Fog | DJI Mini 3 Pro

Abschlie­ßende Worte

It remains the case that the Faroe Islands are a country that is incre­dibly photo­genic even in bad weather. So there is hardly any bad weather when you come here to take photos. The mystical and spooky moods in parti­cular work perfectly in certain places. You don’t always need a sunset or sunset. This increases the chances of success for a photo trip here. For view­points, however, there should be less low cloud and fog than we often had. Simply so that you can also take nice pictures of the larger landscapes.

We’ll continue next week with part 3 and a visit to Puffin Island and the most breath­ta­king place I’ve ever visited.

… to be continued …

Múla­fo­s­surs Curtain | Sony a7 IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

This and all other shots of this post you can request under “Prints” as an art print for your wall at home directly from me. 

Pictures from the VLOG

Within the first two days on the Faroe Islands I have already taken some wonderful pictures. In this gallery I show you my most beau­tiful or most inte­res­ting shots of these two days. 

VLOG to the BLOG

The weather on the Faroe Islands remains exci­ting. Lots of rain, low-hanging clouds and thick fog make it diffi­cult to photo­graph large land­scapes on day 3+4 of our trip. But this country offers an enormous number of places with photo­gra­phic poten­tial, even for this weather. In this video, you can find out where we went, what we were able to photo­graph and how we got some great atmo­spheric pictures.

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