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Aus einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Das Elbsand­stein­ge­birge gehört mit zu den beein­dru­ckendsten Natur­denk­mä­lern Deutsch­lands. Durch geschickt gewählte Perspek­tiven und Ausschnitte erhält man den Eindruck, dass es sich um Fotos aus einer total abge­schie­denen und wilden Natur handelt. Aber natür­lich erkennt man an kleinen Stellen wie etwa das Geländer auf dem Aussichts­felsen, dass auch hier der Mensch schon Eingriff in die Natur genommen hat. Dennoch wirken die Wälder und Felsen, vor allen Dingen, wenn es etwas Nebel zum Sonnen­auf­gang gibt, wie aus einem Land vor unserer Zeit.

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Ruhe­mo­mente der Natur

Top 16 des Natur­foto des Sommers ’24 Wett­be­werbs von Natur­fo­to­grafie Deutschland

Der Wald wirkt für mich meist, wie einer der fried­lichsten Orte der Welt. Vor allem in einem gesunden Wald lebt alles in Harmonie mitein­ander. Die Tiere, die Bäume, die Sträu­cher. Wenn dann in den Morgen­stunde Nebel oder leichter Regen die Stim­mung fast schon märchen­haft magisch werden lässt, dann wirkt er so Ruhig. Nur das Tropfen des Regens auf die Blätter und die eigenen Schritte kann man hören. Aus der Ferne erklingt das leise Hämmern eines Spechtes, verein­zelt Vogel­ge­zwit­scher. Nicht nur zum Foto­gra­fieren, sondern auch zum Genießen sind solche Ruhe­mo­mente in der Natur.

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Das Land der Seelen

Im ersten Moment, quasi beim vorbei­gehen, war diese Szene erst recht unscheinbar. Was mir beson­ders gefiel, war der komplett in Grün bedeckte Wald­boden. Der Baum im Vorder­grund hat eine kleine Beson­der­heit im Aussehen, also schaute ich mir die Szene etwas genauer an. Ich bemerkte, dass die Bäume im Hinter­grund auch wunderbar gestaf­felt da standen. Ein paar Zenti­meter zurück, etwas weiter in der Brenn­weite, etwas tiefer und 2 cm noch nach rechts, dann passte für mich die Kompo­si­tion. Die Nebel­stim­mung half beim Bild­aufbau und unter­streicht die geheim­nis­volle Stim­mung dieser Waldszene.

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Eine kleine Szene, die mir während einer Wande­rung im Fjord von Saksun ins Auge gesto­chen ist. Ein, schon fast, giftig-grün schei­nender und von der Flut zurück­ge­las­sener Seetang. Die sanfte Wellen­struktur des Strandes bildete sich ebenso durch das abzie­hende Wasser des Meeres beim Über­gang von Flut zur Ebbe. Zwischen diesen Rillen legte sich der Seetang und wurde von den Wellen des Wassers nicht mehr mitge­nommen und zurückgelassen.

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Madame Wild Garlic

Top 16 des Natur­foto der Früh­linge 23/24 Wett­be­werbs von Natur­fo­to­grafie Deutschland

A broken branch that has caught on the trunk of a neigh­boring tree forms the motif of this photo­graph. The secon­dary motif is the wonderfully beau­tiful wild garlic in bloom, spre­a­ding out like a white carpet in the green spring forest. Finding an inte­res­ting compo­si­tion for this motif was a some­what more diffi­cult task, which I think I managed quite well.

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The Bottle Neck

Am Ende eines Talkes­sels liegt ein abge­le­gener Wasser­fall, oder soll ich sagen eine Wasser­fall­arena. Denn der Wasser­fall teilt sich auf mehrere Strömen auf. Quer verteilt über die steilen Felsen­wände stürzt er hier ins Tal hinab. An einer Stelle jedoch kompri­mieren sich die Ströme auf eine Stelle, durch der das gesam­melte Wasser hindurch muss. Durch dieses Bottle Neck – Flaschen­hals – fließt der gesamte Wasser­strom hindurch. Diese Engstelle habe ich in diesem Bild foto­gra­fisch fest­ge­halten. Ich finde, man kann das Rauschen des Wassers förm­lich sehen.

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Laver­tezzo am Morgen (Edit 2024)

It is a view that is beco­ming rare. Laver­tezzo, deserted, in the early summer morning hours. Already a few minutes after I took the picture, one could witness what the fame of this picturesque little village brings with it. Car after car with tourists rolled up, where there are hardly any parking spaces in this narrow valley in the Swiss Ticino.

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The tran­quil­lity of the forest

A photo­graph that visually illus­trates the harmony and tran­quil­lity of the forest. In the soft back­light, the trunks of the beech trees look like dark figures. This is enhanced by the humi­dity of the prevai­ling light rain and the mist. The summery green of the beech leaves makes the whole atmo­sphere appear gree­nish, which under­lines the tran­quil­lity of the scene. These are the scenes that I like to look for most in the forest and that I love to photo­graph, because these photo­graphs are also incre­dibly atmo­spheric when printed on the wall.

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The survivor and the murdered

It is an impres­sive oak tree that stands here by the side of the path and whose dimen­sions cannot really be depicted in a picture. A sawn-off tree trunk lies next to it, rotting away. It is lying in a large puddle of water that has formed this summer, which is very watery. In these spec­ta­cular condi­tions, with fog and the sunlight shining through, this beau­tiful natural scene was created, showing both unspoiled nature and the inter­ven­tion of man, making it appear mystical and myste­rious as well as calm and optimistic.

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Pania di Corfino

An impres­sive moun­tain massif in the middle of the hills of higher Tuscany in Italy. A picture that I took a few years ago. How picturesque the clouds look and how beau­tiful the rock, which stands out from the surroun­ding land­scape in such a special way, glows in the evening light. Defi­ni­tely a beau­tiful spot of nature and a great shot.

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The sun rises over Steins­berg Castle

The clouds were not bad for a morning glow when I arrived at Steins­berg Castle this morning. As I waited the minutes before sunrise for the best light, however, the clouds moved away secretly, silently and quietly, so that no sunset red could appear above the castle. Nevert­heless, there was enough mist and fog in the surroun­ding area to create a wonderful atmo­sphere in the land­scape. The result was an all-round successful picture of the beau­tiful castle near Sinsheim.

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A spec­tacle of color on a spring morning

Some­times it’s the unspec­ta­cular land­scapes that parti­cu­larly benefit from an extra­or­di­nary lighting mood. I have photo­gra­phed this tree sachon several times in fog, with the moon, in the snow and in many other situa­tions. On this morning, however, with almost complete cloud cover as far as the horizon, it was perfect with direct back­lighting. I photo­gra­phed it from a low perspec­tive, with the camera just above the field. Shortly before sunrise, the sun created this color spec­tacle from deep blue-violet to orange-yellow in the clouds. The light haze in the atmo­sphere produced this beau­tiful glow in the direct direc­tion of the light.

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At the edge of the world

One of the most impres­sive views I have ever seen in my life is high up in the north on the island of Kalsoy. There, at Kallur Light­house, you can look from the eastern view­point over the edge to the nort­hern view­point and see as far west as the nort­hern line of the Faroe Islands. In the evening, when the sun sets in the north-west, the light here is wonderful and sensa­tional. If a hiker then walks over the edge, the impres­sive dimen­sions become clear even in pictures and a wonderful depth is created in the image.

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Lady Aurora meets the Letzen­berg Chapel

Possibly a once-in-a-life­time shot. Nort­hern lights of inten­sity level KP9 over the Letzen­berg­ka­pelle Malsch. I remember the evening exactly. After the fore­casts for a starry night and the intense solar storms of the last few hours, there should at least be a chance of seeing the Nort­hern Lights here. After an hour’s wait at Aneresel’s Cross with a clear view to the north, they appeared. When I had taken the photos there with a beau­tiful green arc, I was drawn up here to the chapel. In the mean­time, the inten­sity had increased consider­ably and you could see the nort­hern lights shim­me­ring red and purple over the Letzen­berg with the naked eye. A perhaps unique, breath­ta­king experience.

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Gone with the wind

While waiting for the perfect light at Múla­fo­ssur on the Faroe Islands, I spent my time captu­ring the perfect moments at the water­fall. Not easy, as the light was already quite dark in the late evening and the birds were flying around the falling water at a brisk pace. Nevert­heless, I managed to get some great shots, a few of which will certainly make it into my port­folio. Like this shot of the wind-blown Múlafossur.

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Dreamy Gása­dalur

It is the most famous and probably the most photo­gra­phed land­scape scene in the Faroe Islands. One reason for this is probably its easy acces­si­bi­lity. But the impres­sive basin and the high water­fall that plunges into the sea are also likely to contri­bute to its popu­la­rity. I gave my inter­pre­ta­tion of this cloudy evening at Gása­dalur a special touch with a long expo­sure. This makes the scene appear even more tran­quil and dreamy.

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Saksun I.

One of my most successful shots from the Faroe Islands in terms of compo­si­tion. And it was successful on the very first evening. Before the trip, I had already thought about whether it would be possible to take a picture of the houses on the old farm in Saksun toge­ther with the water­fall rushing down into the village. An extreme perspec­tive should make this possible. I stood with both feet and the tripod in the water for this shot. The camera was quite close above the rushing water. With the right expo­sure time and the right moment, the water should then fit, crea­ting an inte­res­ting shape and your line into the picture and to the little houses.

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Sunset at the Bøsdalafossur

The expec­ta­tions for this evening were rather subdued, as accor­ding to the weather reports, an evening loca­tion was not to be expected. But it was the right decision not to be discou­raged and to go out and take photos, no matter what the weather was like. When the sky suddenly began to turn the most beau­tiful colors, our persis­tence was rewarded with one of the most beau­tiful evening reds I had seen in recent years.

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Lumi­nous vineyard

The weather is a crucial factor when it comes to land­scape photo­graphy. As I sat at home looking up at the sky, the sky was gray and the light was flat. But the weather fore­cast showed a small gap in the clouds in the direc­tion of the setting sun. I set off with my camera and was amazed when the sun broke through the cloud cover on the horizon for maybe 5 minutes and colored the clouds in the most beau­tiful colors. The light of the setting sun made the young plants in the viney­ards glow and this beau­tiful picture of the vineyard was created.

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