Vineyards, meadows and fields
Der ländliche Raum ist in der Landschaftsfotografie häufig unterschätzt. Felder und Wiesen mit Solitärbäumen, Strukturen und sanften Hügeln, Heidelandschaften oder auch die Weinberge die gerade in Südwestdeutschland das Landschaftsbild prägen, geben tolle Fotomöglichkeiten und können atemberaubende und spannende Bilder erzeugen.
Luminous vineyard
The weather is a crucial factor when it comes to landscape photography. As I sat at home looking up at the sky, the sky was gray and the light was flat. But the weather forecast showed a small gap in the clouds in the direction of the setting sun. I set off with my camera and was amazed when the sun broke through the cloud cover on the horizon for maybe 5 minutes and colored the clouds in the most beautiful colors. The light of the setting sun made the young plants in the vineyards glow and this beautiful picture of the vineyard was created.
Golden morning
I was ready to set off in a half-eight position, as the weather forecast predicted fog for the beautiful autumn landscape in Kraichgau. I had a few things in my head for which the weather forecast predicted great conditions. But in the morning, there was less fog than I had hoped for. I quickly looked for alternatives and after the sun had risen, I was able to photograph this foggy atmosphere with golden light. A photo that looks better the bigger you have it in front of you.
Die Sonne steigt auf über dem Galgenberg
Goldener Weinberg
Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich unsere heimische Weinberge in wunderschönem, warmen, sommerlichen Morgenlicht abgelichtet. Wie man solch einen schönen goldenen Schein hinbekommt, habe ich unter anderem in meinem BLOG/VLOG erläutert. Das Ergebnis jedenfalls lässt einen die sommerliche Wärme spüren, die an so einem Sommermorgen durch die Sonne schon in den frühen Morgenstunden verbreitet wird.
Silver birch in fog
On my home hill stands this silver birch, which I hadn’t really noticed before. On this foggy morning, however, illuminated by the light of the sun, which came only hesitantly through the fog cover, it seemed to have a special charm.
Morning in the heath
The Mehlinger Heide is not quite as well known as its larger relatives, such as the Lüneburg Heath, but even here great morning moods can be captured. Like on this day, when the sun and the misty haze was just right.
Lichtexplosion in der Heide
Aufstehen um 4:30 im Sommer. Eine Stunde Autofahrt. 20 min laufen zum Spot. 40 min lang Motive und Bildkompositionen ausprobieren und warten auf den Sonnenaufgang. Hat es sich gelohnt? Ich finde ja und ich würde es immer wieder tun.
Explosion des Lichtes
Nach einigen Jahren war ich mal wieder in der Mehlinger Heide und habe wunderbare Bedingungen vorgefunden. Vor Sonnenaufgang ein leichtes Morgenrot, dazu leichte Nebelschleier und nach Sonnenaufgang eine Explosion des Lichtes. Ich habe in kürzester Zeit viele Aufnahmen gemacht, diese gefiel mir ganz besonders.
Glowing sun in the heath
It was quite special to see how the rising sun formed an extremely strong red glow in the fog of the heath as it rose above the horizon directly behind the fir tree. Secondly, the red glow became stronger when it was suddenly no longer visible. A moment that had to be caught.
Nature rises
This heath landscape was a military training area a few years ago. Under the heavy equipment from the military, nature suffered particularly. Years after the “decommissioning” nature rises with a beautiful heath landscape, from which even the one or other young tree grows out in the meantime.
Magical morning in the heath
Another picture of my favorite trees in the heath. Looking at this picture with a little distance, I must say, the early rising, the hour journey and the wait in the cool summer night for the ideal conditions was worth it after all. A truly magical moment that we were able to experience.
Veil of fog in the heath
When photographing on the heath in the morning, timing and conditions matter. The light gets brighter by the minute, the fog is in constant motion. It’s a matter of fixing the composition as quickly as possible and waiting for the right moment.
Heath landscape in morning light
During the day, the heath landscape looks more like a green desert. For a few weeks in summer, however, the perennials bloom and especially in the morning hours, when a veil of mist forms over the meadows, there can sometimes be magical moments.
Mondstern über der Heide
Als wir noch mitten in der Nacht in der Heide ankamen und nach Kompositionen ausschau hielten, entdeckte ich entgegengesetzt zum erwartenden Punkt des Sonnenaufgangs den Mond über diesem freihstehenden Baum in der Heide. Den richtigen Moment abegepasst, als er direkt über dem Baum stand, als eine Art riesiger Stern fotografiert, fand ich dieses Foto spannend und interessant.
Field of Light
| Top 100 Naturfoto des Sommers 2023 | Dieses wunderschöne Licht an einem Weizenfeld in der Nähe meiner Heimat konnte ich im Hochsommer an einem schönen Sommerabend genießen. Das abendliche, kontrastarme Seitenlicht ließ das Feld im Vordergrund wunderbar weich erscheinen. Das Motiv, der einsame Baum auf dem Feld, ist da fast schon Beiwerk.
Sunset over the Upper Rhine Plain
The view in the photo is in the direction of the Upper Rhine Plain. This tree with almost heart-shaped crown in late autumn has already dropped its leaf dress and you can see its silhouette great.
Sunset over the Upper Rhine Plain
At this sunset in winter the sun set without evening red. This was due to a band of clouds behind the horizon that blocked the light rays of the sun that should have colored the clouds over Malsch. Normally such a sunset red appears 15–20 minutes after sunset, but in this case the coloring was before sunset. Since I was in time on the spot, I could still catch this scene. The setting sun over the Upper Rhine Plain. Due to the haze in the atmosphere, it turned into a red fireball and so did the clouds, which is actually not a typical evening red, but still resulted in a beautiful scenery.
A spectacle of color on a spring morning
Sometimes it’s the unspectacular landscapes that particularly benefit from an extraordinary lighting mood. I have photographed this tree sachon several times in fog, with the moon, in the snow and in many other situations. On this morning, however, with almost complete cloud cover as far as the horizon, it was perfect with direct backlighting. I photographed it from a low perspective, with the camera just above the field. Shortly before sunrise, the sun created this color spectacle from deep blue-violet to orange-yellow in the clouds. The light haze in the atmosphere produced this beautiful glow in the direct direction of the light.
Morning silence in the floodplain
This photo could not have been planned, but when I was on my way to a spot that I wanted to photograph that morning, this image composition literally jumped into my eye. The conditions were ideal. The golden-colored clouds, the fog, the just-rising sun. Perfect how the diagonal formed by the illuminated clouds and the forest in the background mirror and balance the image horizontally. The fog helped to separate the tree as a subject from the background.
Im Raps-Meer
Im Frühjahr kommt Farbe ins Spiel. Ein Grund dafür sind die Rapsfelder in der Umgebung meines Heimatdorfes. Wunderschöne Kontraste entstehen zwischen ihnen und dem klaren blauen Himmel. Das ergibt immer wieder schöne Bilder. In dieser Aufnahme nutzte ich einen etwas erhöhten Standort, um den bereits leicht blühenden Baum etwas intimer mitten im Rapsfeld zu fotografieren.
Rapeseed field
Many pictures of rapeseed fields are taken when the sky is blue. The yellow of the canola, gives with the blue of the sky a beautiful color contrast. I wanted to take a more special picture, so I used the last seconds before sunset to position the tree in the field exactly between me and the sun and get a nice monochromatic picture.
Two friends
They could hardly be more different. And even in the low morning sun that gradually fights its way through the fog cover, the autumnal foliage is illuminated in different ways, which led to this special shot.
The path into the fog
That morning I was walking along the path when I spotted this tree in the mist. Looking for a suitable composition of the image, I discovered the traces of a tractor in the field. The lines lead into the picture towards the tree in the fog.
Die Ermahnung
Bei der Aufnahme dieser Szene während Frost und Nebel kam mir sofort der Titel in den Sinn. Der große Baum im Vordergrund wirkte auf mich, wie ein Vater der seine beiden Kinder, die beiden Bäume im Hintergrund, ermahnt.
A touch of winter
No sooner had autumn passed than the first frost arrived. An inversion weather condition brought us fog in the nights during the first cold winter nights of the late year. Hoarfrost formed on the remaining leaves and branches of the trees. In addition, there was a little snow in some areas. This resulted in a beautiful wintry mood in nature, which I could record here on a beautiful morning at the edge of the forest.
Winter Sun Star
Towards the end of the winter 20/21 showed us in Kraichgau once again from its best side, with bright blue skies and sunshine from morning to night, with freezing cold but at least also with some snow, which has remained for several days. The combination fit well to be able to take beautiful pictures of winter here at home.
Light and Shadow
When sun meets fog haze special light moods are created. If the sun’s rays are interrupted by trees, as in this picture, they suddenly become visible.
Tree on the Armentara meadow
The Armentara meadows are a wonderfully easy to hike mountain area in South Tyrol. Many blooming flower fields and only a few shady places. This tree on the horizon of one of the meadows particularly caught my eye when looking for motifs, it was just perfectly framed by the huge clouds in the background.
Shadow place
This shady spot near Einsiedeln Monastery in Switzerland is just the place on a summer hike to escape the sun for a few minutes.