Mountain Worlds
Eine der ursprünglichsten Form der Landschaftsfotografie ist das Fotografieren in den Bergen. Voller Gefahren und meist mit schwerem Gepäck muss man hierfür Kilometerweit wandern und viele Höhenmeter überwinden. Aber es lohnt sich.
At the edge of the world
One of the most impressive views I have ever seen in my life is high up in the north on the island of Kalsoy. There, at Kallur Lighthouse, you can look from the eastern viewpoint over the edge to the northern viewpoint and see as far west as the northern line of the Faroe Islands. In the evening, when the sun sets in the north-west, the light here is wonderful and sensational. If a hiker then walks over the edge, the impressive dimensions become clear even in pictures and a wonderful depth is created in the image.
Saksun I.
One of my most successful shots from the Faroe Islands in terms of composition. And it was successful on the very first evening. Before the trip, I had already thought about whether it would be possible to take a picture of the houses on the old farm in Saksun together with the waterfall rushing down into the village. An extreme perspective should make this possible. I stood with both feet and the tripod in the water for this shot. The camera was quite close above the rushing water. With the right exposure time and the right moment, the water should then fit, creating an interesting shape and your line into the picture and to the little houses.
Above the clouds in the Dachstein mountains
It is these fleeting moments that you can capture forever only thanks to photography. Like this moment when the fog that had completely engulfed us disappeared for just a few minutes and cleared this wonderful view.
Border crossers
As a landscape photographer, you often have to push yourself to the limit to capture breathtaking images. Sometimes you’re already standing with one foot in the water, sometimes with both feet in the mud, and sometimes on the edge of the abyss. But you should never go beyond your own limits. Then photography gives you so much back. Beautiful pictures and great memories of unique moments. You just must not be too dogged with the technique, but can also enjoy times. And yes, the photographer on the mountain is me.
Sunset over the Alps
These are the moments you wait for as a photographer. A flawless sky gives the photographer a beautiful sunset over the Alps, which he captures on his camera.
Sonnenaufgang in Österreich (Edit 2023)
Ein Bild aus der frühen Zeit meiner Landschaftsfotografie-Zeit. Damals, 2015, dokumentierte ich lediglich meine Reisen und Wanderungen. Hier war ich beim Sonnnenaufgang hinter der Gablonzer Hütte im Dachsteingebirge. Eine wunderschöne, ruhige Morgenstimmung die ich damals dokumentiert habe. Mit meinen neusten Fähigkeiten bei der Bildbearbeitung 2023 neu editiert.
Ein herrliches Farbspektakel, dass die aufgehende Sonne auf die weit entfernten Gebirgszüge an diesem Morgen in den Österreichischen Alpen zauberte. Die Natur erweißt sich wiedermal als meisterhafter Künstler. Wunderbar aufeinander abgestimmte Farbharmonien. Schöner als es sich ein Mensch hätte ausdenken können.
Dach vom Dachsteingebirge
Ich liebe diese Ausblicke! Du auch? Das Foto zeigt das Alpenglühen an den hohen Gipfeln des Dachsteingebirges. Wunderschön warmes Licht, kurz bevor die Sonne über den Horizont gestiegen ist. Die warmen, fast schon ins Magenta übergehende Farbe ließ Wolken und die schroffen Felsen wunderbar aufleuchten. Für mich definitiv eine Aufnahme wert.
Erste Sonnenstrahlen am Krippenstein
Dies sind die Momente, die man als Landschaftsfotograf, sei es im Hobby oder als Profi, auch einfach mal genießen kann. Nach dem man sich früh morgens aus dem Bett und auf den Berg gequält hat, Stunden in der Kälte saß, um die bestmögliche Komposition für das Bild bei bestem Licht aufzunehmen. Dann spürt man die ersten wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen im Gesicht und genießt die wunderschöne Weitsicht.
Erstes Licht am Krippenstein
Zum Ausklang des Sommers trieb es mich noch einmal zum Sonnenaufgang auf den Gipfel des Krippenstein. Von dort aus konnte ich die ersten Sonnenstrahlen des Tages einfangen und einen herrlichen Blick über den Hallstätter See und das Salzkammergut genießen. Es erinnert mich an meine Gedanken an diesem Morgen: “Wir sollten mehr Bergtage und weniger Bürotage erleben.”
The Bottle Neck
Am Ende eines Talkessels liegt ein abgelegener Wasserfall, oder soll ich sagen eine Wasserfallarena. Denn der Wasserfall teilt sich auf mehrere Strömen auf. Quer verteilt über die steilen Felsenwände stürzt er hier ins Tal hinab. An einer Stelle jedoch komprimieren sich die Ströme auf eine Stelle, durch der das gesammelte Wasser hindurch muss. Durch dieses Bottle Neck — Flaschenhals — fließt der gesamte Wasserstrom hindurch. Diese Engstelle habe ich in diesem Bild fotografisch festgehalten. Ich finde, man kann das Rauschen des Wassers förmlich sehen.
Geheimnisvoller Gollinger Fall
Ende des Sommers bekam ich diesen Wasserfall als Österreichs schönsten Wasserfall für unseren Aufenthalt in Österreich empfohlen. Im Internet habe ich viele Bildkompositionen gefunden die alle nicht schlecht anzuschauen waren, aber mich dennoch nicht vollends überzeugten. Vor Ort suchte ich so lange bis ich zufrieden war. Die Umgebung als auch der Wasserfall kommen wunderbar zur Geltung und das Wasser der Stromschnellen führen wunderbar ins Bild hinein.
When you stand at this huge mountain lake, surrounded by the high peaks of the Gosaukamm, you would love to try to capture the whole scenery on a picture. Then you enjoy nature for a moment and take a deep breath. You look at the opposite bank and the reflections of the water. Suddenly you realize that everything it takes to photograph this lake fits on this one detail shot. The end result is that just by looking at this shot, you can take in the peace and quiet of nature.
An wolkenbehangenen Tagen, häufig auch nach Regenschauern, kann man in den Wäldern der Berge beobachten, wie Wolken auf die Spitzen der Bäume treffen. Als würden die Baumspitzen der Tannenbäume die Wolken fangen und festhalten. Ein genauer Blick und eine präzise gewählte Bildkomposition, in der sich alle Elemente in Balance befinden, kann ein kunstvolles Bild erzeugen, so wie dieses hier.
Morning in Hallstatt
As deserted as I saw Hallstatt when I visited it for the first time, probably not so many tourists have seen it. I was there early in the morning, on a cloudy late summer day, even before the sun rose. The not so promising weather made many linger in bed. But for a shot of Halltstatt, I wanted exactly this moody atmosphere with low-hanging clouds. For me this photo is perfect and corresponds exactly to my ideas.
Eine Szene die umso gewaltiger erscheint, je länger man sie betrachtet. Ich glaubte selbst meinen Augen kaum, als sich am Ende des Engen Tals, oberhalb des riesigen Wasserfalls, plötzlich die Wolkendecke aufriss und die Gipfel dieser monumentalen Berge freigab. Zum Glück, war ich bereit diese gewaltige Naturszenerie mit meiner Kamera einzufangen.
Waterfall from the clouds
Low clouds at the Seerenbach waterfalls in Switzerland make this stunning waterfall look like it’s flowing right out of the clouds.
An island in the sea of fog
Rain, fog and clouds can sometimes make for adventurous scenes in the mountains. I had just put my telephoto lens on the camera when this little ridge decided to peek out of the sea of clouds and fog for a brief moment. I pressed the shutter release. The shot was right. The very next moment the island in the sea of fog had already disappeared. A short moment, which I give duration with this photography.
Packed in absorbent cotton
Ideal weather for photographers in Switzerland this morning. So I could work out details of the landscape surrounded by clouds, like this piece of forest that looked out of the clouds as if packed in absorbent cotton.
The sun had already set at my location and I was ready to pack the camera away. Then I noticed in the distance this mountain peak, which looked out of the clouds and was beautifully lit from behind. So I switched to my telephoto lens as quickly as I could and captured this beautiful serene mood.
Lonely linden tree in front of the Schreckhorn
It is a motif that has already made it to a certain fame among photographers. The lonely linden tree in front of the Schreckhorn. A very long focal length is necessary to take this shot. A sideways morning light in a calm atmosphere and a creative image processing make this motif unique.
Lights of Lauterbrunnen
Somewhat above the old people’s and nursing home of Lauterbrunnen, you have a beautiful view in the evening, on the many lights of the place. Also the Staubbachfall itself is illuminated and offers a great view of the hundreds of meters high waterfall, even at night.
Lights of Lauterbrunnen 2
Somewhat above the old people’s and nursing home of Lauterbrunnen, you have a beautiful view in the evening, on the many lights of the place. Also the Staubbachfall itself is illuminated and offers a great view of the hundreds of meters high waterfall, even at night.
St. Johann near Lachen
A beautiful little church perched on a small hill near Lachen on Lake Zurich.
The small chapel in the valley of the Furka Pass has certainly been viewed and photographed by many passing motorcyclists and motorists. I, too, was looking for a nice composition. Unfortunately, I was on site during the midday hours. This made it particularly difficult. With this side shot and the particular vegetation in the foreground, I was able to create an interesting image despite the central positioning of the chapel.
Life by the stream
This beautiful intimate landscape scene, I was able to discover in the Swiss canton of Ticino, in the valley of the famous village of Lavertezzo. By choosing the composition, I wanted to create a connection between the small tree on the rugged rocks and the powerful stream of the waterfall in the background. An exposure time of 0.5 sec. let individual leaves blur, but thus create the intended dynamics in the image and clarifies the harsh environment, between water masses and rocks, for the little tree.
Lavertezzo in the morning
It is a view that is becoming rare. Lavertezzo, deserted, in the early summer morning hours. Already a few minutes after I took the picture, one could witness what the fame of this picturesque little village brings with it. Car after car with tourists rolled up, where there are hardly any parking spaces in this narrow valley in the Swiss Ticino.
Pania di Corfino
An impressive mountain massif in the middle of the hills of higher Tuscany in Italy. A picture that I took a few years ago. How picturesque the clouds look and how beautiful the rock, which stands out from the surrounding landscape in such a special way, glows in the evening light. Definitely a beautiful spot of nature and a great shot.
Towers of the Cinque Torri
The landmark of the Dolomites, the Cinque Torri. In this shot, a long exposure of 2 minutes was used to show the clouds moving strongly due to the wind on the image.
Seceda summit
It is always impressive to hike on the Seceda. On the south side the green lush meadows and the rather flat approach, on the north side the steep slopes where the clouds gather and rise again and again.
Hut in the Dolomites
It doesn’t always take an epic sunset or phenomenal light. Sometimes you can find beautiful subjects on the brightest day, like this small hut in the Dolomites, in front of the mountain massif and the low-hanging clouds.
Ice in summer on the mountains
If you start a mountain tour at 25° in the middle of summer, you will be surprised to see a small lake covered with snow and ice.
The goal lies behind the curve
In Italy, and especially in the mountainous South Tyrol, there are many winding roads uphill and downhill. I found this curve particularly beautiful, which is why I quickly let my drone rise after passing through to photograph it “top-down”. Spectacular.
Lonely pine
A misty morning haze lay over the rocks and trees of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains when I photographed this lone pine tree. The already risen sun provided warm colors on the illuminated trees.
Sea of fog at Lilienstein
On this beautiful morning, the first cold morning of the approaching autumn, the Elbe grew into a huge sea of fog. From near the Bastei Bridge I was able to take this picture of Gohrisch, Lilienstein and Königstein. Pure luck that the wild birds flew over the Lilienstein just at the right time and I could photograph them.
A lost piece of Pangaea
When I saw it with my own eyes, I could hardly believe it. I saw this great light atmosphere in the middle of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, took my telephoto lens and looked through the viewfinder of my camera. In the end, this picture detail made me marvel. This is what it must have looked like millions of years ago in Pangaea, the primeval continent. No trace of civilisation. Only nature, the low-hanging mist and the light of the rising sun. To this day, I wonder where this green-yellow glow came from that makes this photograph look so fascinating?
Aus einem Land vor unserer Zeit
Das Elbsandsteingebirge gehört mit zu den beeindruckendsten Naturdenkmälern Deutschlands. Durch geschickt gewählte Perspektiven und Ausschnitte erhält man den Eindruck, dass es sich um Fotos aus einer total abgeschiedenen und wilden Natur handelt. Aber natürlich erkennt man an kleinen Stellen wie etwa das Geländer auf dem Aussichtsfelsen, dass auch hier der Mensch schon Eingriff in die Natur genommen hat. Dennoch wirken die Wälder und Felsen, vor allen Dingen, wenn es etwas Nebel zum Sonnenaufgang gibt, wie aus einem Land vor unserer Zeit.
The Pölking pine
The small pine that grows out of the steep rock faces of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains was named after the famous nature photographer Fritz Pölking. I took it in beautiful morning light in early autumn.
The rocks
Schon alleine ihre Größe und Form besitzen auf mich eine mystische Anziehungskraft. Gepaart mit der tiefstehenden Sonne und einigen aufsteigenden Nebelschwaden kann diese mystische Stimmung auch über die Fotografie übertragen werden und es ergebensich endlose Motive hier im Elbsandsteingebirge. So wie diese aus dem Wald herausragende Felsen.
From another time
These rocks in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains rise like the skeleton of a fossilized dinosaur. The veil of mist that covers the dense forest and around the rocks and mountains make this image seem as if it came from another time.
Once upon a time in Pangea
A scenery that I instinctively reminded me of the primeval times of our earth. The huge rocks could also be a fossilized dinosaur. Untouched nature, a jungle to the horizon. No hint of civilization as far as the eye can see and in the middle of Germany in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.
Sun star at the Fiderepass hut
A beautiful hiking route leads from Oberstdorf past the Fiderepasshütte, who stays overnight on it can watch great sunsets and sunrises. Here in the picture the setting sun behind the refuge.
Where time stood still
You can enjoy a truly majestic and impressive view from this location in the centre of the Palatinate Forest. From one of the highest castles in the Palatinate, you can enjoy a marvellous panoramic view and a great view of the sunrise in the morning. It is precisely these things that make this place so well-known and popular with romantics, hikers and, of course, photographers.
Blue hour over the Mindelheimer hut
The sun has set, night is falling over the Alps, but it is still lively and sociable at the refuges. This is when this picture of the Mindelheimer Hütte was taken.
After the rain at the Rappensee
After the rain at the Rappensee. I myself could hardly believe it when I unpacked my camera in this great light mood at Rappensee in the Alps, and there was not a single other photographer to be seen around me. What would they miss, I thought, when I took this shot after a few hours of rain.
At the Búðakirkja
The place where Búðakirkja stands, the small, wooden, black church on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. In this fascinating place, the Atlantic Ocean, snow-capped mountains and glaciers of Iceland are only a stone’s throw away from each other, and in the midst of the rugged landscape stands this small church, defying the adverse conditions.
Búðir black kiche
Many photographers have been attracted to this church. Lonely and alone in the middle of the coastal landscape of the Snæfellsnes peninsula, with the snow-capped mountains not far away. In this place you are never alone for a long time, because visitors constantly come by, who are also thrilled by this sight.
Unterwegs auf der Straße
The road number 1 led once around the whole country, past many sights Iceland and is therefore ideal for a road trip. Past the Golden Circle, many waterfalls, to the remote East Fjords. In the background on this picture you can see the edge of the large glacier Vatnajökull.
Iceland pony in Álftafjördur
As we drove west, towards Snaefelsness, we spotted this Icelandic pony a little ways off the road. Of course we stopped and I got my camera out. I had to wait only a few minutes for the right moment and pull the trigger.
Taking a Shower
It is one of the many impressive waterfalls in Iceland, which is particularly impressive because of its height and the enormous amount of water. In this picture, with the model directly in front of the water masses, you can literally hear the roar and roar of the water in your inner ear.
One of the most iconic mountains in Iceland: Kirkjufell. The special thing about it is that photographed from this view, it looks like a perfect pyramid. We reached Kirkjufell just in time to take this shot before sunset and a blizzard rolling in. As we did so, the sky turned shades of pink to purple. The next day it was completely covered with fog and no longer visible.
Auf diesem Bild schlummert einer der drei aktivsten Vulkane Islands friedlich, unter einer Schneedecke, im gefärbten Abendhimmel der Blauen Stunde: der Hekla. Zu Deutsch steht sein Name für Haube, was vermutlich an seinem schneebedeckten Gipfel liegt.
Diving in the Northern Lights
To photograph the Northern Lights in Iceland, you need a starry night and sufficient solar activity. We were able to spend a whole night taking pictures of the Northern Lights and enjoying the sight.