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On this page I present my latest work, or even revised photo­graphs. It is worth every week once to look past, because I constantly update this page. 


Low clouds, little visi­bi­lity, splas­hing rain and sea water, icy cold wind blowing in my face — there are better condi­tions for taking photos, but I found this mood perfect for this parti­cular, rugged stretch of coast­line. Although I could only open my eyes briefly to look through the view­finder before the tears ran down my cheeks and I was constantly wiping the lenses dry, I still somehow managed to find and capture a great compo­si­tion. If I ever come back to the Faroe Islands, I will defi­ni­tely come back to this place.

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Boat­houses on the lake

A picture that already shows a lot of what the Faroe Islands have to offer. It shows boat and fishermen’s houses on Leitis­vatn, one of the largest inland lakes, toge­ther with two small sheep. In the back­ground, you can get an idea of what the fjord walls of the Faroe Islands might look like. The steeply sloping hill in the back­ground is the so-called slave rock Trælanípa. Another element in this picture is the some­times unpre­dic­table weather. Here, dense clouds were just passing over our heads and even released a little sunlight that we would other­wise have hardly seen at all on this other­wise comple­tely gray day.

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Autumn color harmony

A small scene in the fall forest that you pass by without thin­king unless you’re really looking for it. I was looking for the last remai­ning colorful leaves in the forest. First and fore­most, of course, yellow leaves. Because in the shadows of the morning, the mist often still looks slightly bluish, which creates a wonderful color harmony with the yellow leaves. To discover this scene, you had to look closely and you could only take the picture with a tele­photo lens so that the detail would fit. The picture quickly became unin­te­res­ting all around.

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At the edge of the cliff

It’s not often that I take land­scape photos in a black and white version, but this scene was perfect. This small pine tree right on the edge of a cliff in the Pala­ti­nate Forest is extre­mely photo­genic, even in better weather. Here in the dense fog, however, the scene can be realized parti­cu­larly well as a black and white shot, as it offers beau­tiful contrasts, even on the rocks.

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This shot had been buzzing around in my head for a while, as this section of the forest is one of my usual running laps. But I wanted to wait for the right condi­tions. This late fall, there was enough fog to take this picture of the broken tree. In addi­tion to the actual motif, the broken oak, it was also important to me to show the surroun­dings, which actually stand out some­what from the surroun­ding forest. The ground vege­ta­tion in parti­cular is charac­te­rized by comple­tely diffe­rent dark green plants here, unlike in the rest of the forest. That’s why I wanted to use this cool morning mood for this picture.

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A little man…

In my search for beau­tiful mush­room motifs, I was amply rewarded this year, for example with this fellow. Hidden directly behind a tree, it sprouted up and I was able to photo­graph it in the already dawning blue hour. A low posi­tion of the camera, it was prac­ti­cally already on the ground, helps with crop­ping these motifs, so that a plea­sant image compo­si­tion is possible.

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small umbrella

Some­times the tripod really does get in the way. For this shot, I had to go low and shoot upwards over the back of a lying tree trunk full of moss to get the perspec­tive I wanted. Until I could get the tripod set up like this, and with very little space available, I preferred to take the picture by hand. Even at high ISO values, this gene­ra­tion of cameras captures the subjects breath­ta­kingly well. Fascinating.

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Frosty beetle

My wife disco­vered this little ladybug during a walk with our family. I was parti­cu­larly pleased about the disco­very and the fact that I instinc­tively had my camera and tele­photo lens with me. You don’t see a ladybug covered in dewdrops like that every day. So my daughter looked over my shoulder as I took the ladybug into the view­finder and was amazed when she saw the little world at one hundred percent magnification.

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The forbidden pond

I have recorded the story behind this picture in a blog/vlog, from its crea­tion to the final image proces­sing. The path and the search for this pond was a bit scary and adven­turous. There was no infor­ma­tion anywhere and hardly any pictures online. So I set off on my own through unknown terri­tory, walking in the dark through a dark, misty forest, over slip­pery wooden planks and through damp moor­land. The effort was worth it, because not only did I take some exci­ting pictures of the pond and its natural surroun­dings, but also of the imme­diate surroun­dings. And this crooked foot­bridge by the pond is worth a picture in itself.

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Lonely in the Morning Fog

I love fog. Above all, of course, in my pictures, because it gives them a dreamy, fairy­tale-like, some­times even mystical quality. But I also like it when I’m walking through nature on a morning and I can enjoy the abso­lute peace that surrounds me when I’m surrounded by fog. Ever­y­thing seems a little quieter and more harmo­nious. When foggy weather is fore­cast, I always try to go outside with my photo, which is why I often find myself alone in the morning mist, like this little tree.

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From a land before our time

The Elbe Sand­stone Moun­tains are among the most impres­sive natural monu­ments in Germany. Cleverly chosen perspec­tives and details give the impres­sion that these are photos of a totally remote and wild natural envi­ron­ment. But of course you can see in small places, such as the railing on the viewing rock, that man has already inter­vened in nature here too. Nevert­heless, the forests and rocks, espe­ci­ally when there is a bit of fog at sunrise, look like they come from a land before our time.

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Quiet moments in nature

Top 16 of the Nature Photo of the Summer ’24 compe­ti­tion by Natur­fo­to­grafie Deutschland

For me, the forest usually seems like one of the most peaceful places in the world. Espe­ci­ally in a healthy forest, ever­y­thing lives in harmony with each other. The animals, the trees, the bushes. When the mist or light rain in the morning makes the atmo­sphere almost magical, it seems so peaceful. You can only hear the rain drip­ping on the leaves and your own foot­s­teps. From a distance, you can hear the soft hamme­ring of a woodpe­cker and the occa­sional bird­song. Quiet moments like this in nature are not just for taking photos, but also for enjoying.

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The land of souls

At first glance, as I walked past, this scene was quite unre­mar­kable. What I parti­cu­larly liked was the forest floor, which was comple­tely covered in green. The tree in the fore­ground has a little pecu­lia­rity in its appearance, so I took a closer look at the scene. I noticed that the trees in the back­ground were also wonderfully stag­gered. A few centi­me­ters back, a little further in the focal length, a little lower and 2 cm to the right, then the compo­si­tion was right for me. The foggy atmo­sphere helped with the compo­si­tion and empha­sized the myste­rious mood of this forest scene.

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Left behind

A small scene that caught my eye during a hike in the fjord of Saksun. An almost poiso­nous green seaweed left behind by the tide. The gentle wave struc­ture of the beach was also formed by the rece­ding water of the sea during the tran­si­tion from high tide to low tide. The seaweed lay between these grooves and was no longer carried away and left behind by the waves of the water.

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Madame Wild Garlic

Top 16 of the Nature Photo of Spring 23/24 compe­ti­tion by Natur­fo­to­grafie Deutschland

A broken branch that has caught on the trunk of a neigh­boring tree forms the motif of this photo­graph. The secon­dary motif is the wonderfully beau­tiful wild garlic in bloom, spre­a­ding out like a white carpet in the green spring forest. Finding an inte­res­ting compo­si­tion for this motif was a some­what more diffi­cult task, which I think I managed quite well.

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The Bottle Neck

At the end of a basin lies a remote water­fall, or should I say a water­fall arena. The water­fall is divided into several streams. Spread across the steep rock faces, it tumbles down into the valley. At one point, however, the streams are compressed into a single point through which the coll­ected water has to pass. The entire stream of water flows through this bottle neck. I have captured this bott­leneck photo­gra­phi­cally in this picture. I think you can lite­rally see the rushing water.

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Laver­tezzo am Morgen (Edit 2024)

It is a view that is beco­ming rare. Laver­tezzo, deserted, in the early summer morning hours. Already a few minutes after I took the picture, one could witness what the fame of this picturesque little village brings with it. Car after car with tourists rolled up, where there are hardly any parking spaces in this narrow valley in the Swiss Ticino.

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The survivor and the murdered

It is an impres­sive oak tree that stands here by the side of the path and whose dimen­sions cannot really be depicted in a picture. A sawn-off tree trunk lies next to it, rotting away. It is lying in a large puddle of water that has formed this summer, which is very watery. In these spec­ta­cular condi­tions, with fog and the sunlight shining through, this beau­tiful natural scene was created, showing both unspoiled nature and the inter­ven­tion of man, making it appear mystical and myste­rious as well as calm and optimistic.

You can find these and other shots in my port­folio under the category

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