My photo­gra­phic year 2023

An eventful year lies behind me. And, as is probably the case for all of us, I have expe­ri­enced many highs and lows. Photo­gra­phi­cally and perso­nally. This blog post is all about revie­wing ever­y­thing and what influence my perso­na­lity and expe­ri­ences have had on my and your photography. 

The BLOG article is available as a video below. If you don’t feel like reading, you can scroll directly to the video by clicking on the button. Be sure to take a look, because you can see far more photos from the past year in this YouTube video than I can publish here in the BLOG.


Sony a7IV
Sony FE 2.8/16–35 mm GM
Sony FE 4/24–105 mm G
Sony FE 100–400 mm G
DJI Mini 3 Pro

Spring | Start in YouTube

This year I have shared more of my photo­graphy with you than ever before. This was clearly due to the fact that, in addi­tion to my actual BLOG on my website and my presence on Insta­gram, I have incre­asingly dedi­cated myself to crea­ting videos about my photo­graphy. Espe­ci­ally the on-loca­tion VLOGs.

I started by docu­men­ting two timel­apse recor­dings of my home village, inclu­ding this great video of my home.

The encou­ra­ge­ment I received from you for the first video made me realise that it was the right decision to share more and more of my photo­graphy with you. I would like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your feed­back, comm­ents, likes, subscrip­tions and support so far.

Now let’s start with a little look back. Some of you may have seen the posts on Insta­gram or read this blog post (Link) in which I talked about my daughter’s illness. Just very briefly to catch ever­yone up. My daughter, who was almost 2 years old at the time, was diagnosed with a very aggres­sive and fast-growing tumour at the end of 2022. Of course, it was a huge shock for our little family. For a short time, we had really lost hope and thought that was it for her. But the team of doctors and nurses at the paed­ia­tric onco­logy depart­ment in Heidel­berg got her back on track. After a few chemo­the­rapy sessions and an opera­tion, our daughter was feeling better again. She is still reco­ve­ring, but is now almost back to her old self. If not better than ever before. At the time this BLOG goes online, we will be spen­ding our last few days in rehab on Sylt. Maybe I’ll get to take some photos there. If so, you’ll see more of that in the next few weeks, of course.

This will hopefully bring a low point in our lives to a final conclu­sion. Yes, it has been a diffi­cult few months for us. In order to sort out my thoughts and process what I had expe­ri­enced, I sought a little distrac­tion and salva­tion in photo­graphy, among other things. In the minutes or even hours that I spent taking photos, I was far away from ever­y­thing that had been weig­hing me down mentally. The time in nature provided me with a little balance to the days we spent in the hospital room. This also explains why I spent most of the first half of the year photo­gra­phing in my home region, around Heidel­berg and in Kraichgau.

Looking back, I realised that my visual language had changed signi­fi­cantly as a result of the expe­ri­ence. Quite uncon­sciously, I was looking for darker, slightly more abstract and mini­ma­list motifs. I found these in the forests and meadows around my home town.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

Spring | First attempts at bird photography

In spring I had a little fun with bird photo­graphy. I was inspired by a moment when I was able to observe two storks in a meadow and of course took a nice photo.

When I then had the oppor­tu­nity to visit a habitat of many wild birds with a full-time orni­tho­lo­gist, I took advan­tage of this to learn some helpful tips and lots of inte­res­ting facts about our native birds.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

When spring really brought nature to life, it was the time of blos­soms and colour in nature. Over the last year or two, I had coll­ected so many ideas of what I wanted to photo­graph. But this year I couldn’t find any favour in these motifs. For me, there was no such thing as a perfect world at that moment. I wasn’t in the mood for flower kitsch or a sea of blossom.

It was a time when the past few months were still very much in our bones. The illness was still in the back of our minds. We also still had to wait and see what the next tests would show. We were happy with the outcome, but still cautiously opti­mi­stic. I think this can also be seen in the next pictures, which nevert­heless already show a much friend­lier view of our nature. No longer so dreary and gloomy. I have placed more emphasis on brin­ging out the colours, espe­ci­ally the spring yellow-green, through to the lush green in the wild garlic pictures. Because we were begin­ning to think that we had survived everything.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

Sommer | Schwarz­wald & Heimatfotografie

After survi­ving the opera­tion, we then treated ourselves to a few days of rela­xa­tion in the Black Forest. Some of you may have seen the videos of the beau­tiful local water­falls on my channel. Among other things, I visited the water­falls in Todtnau and Todt­moos, as well as some less well-known ones like the Krai-Woog-Gumpen. We also didn’t miss the enchanted forest near Bernau. However, I would have liked some rain, fog or mist for this section in parti­cular. But the summer was probably too dry for that. But I was rein­forced in my belief that you can always find great motifs and take outstan­ding pictures anywhere. Perhaps you just have to “work” a little harder for it.

With a little distance, I can now say what my favou­rite shots from the Black Forest were. At that time of year, I placed a lot of emphasis on struc­tures and shapes. I also paid a lot of atten­tion to fore­grounds, which should bring depth to the picture. Just as we as a family decided to enjoy life even more now and to show our daughter our world in all its facets and details, as she had once again jumped off the brink of death, I atta­ched great importance to inclu­ding as many details as possible in the pictures during this time. From inte­res­ting fore­grounds to the back­ground, but also detailed shots. Here is a small series of pictures.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

One thing has remained from that time. I love redu­cing pictures to the bare essen­tials. In colour and form. Pictures from the summer, which I still really like, are often limited to just a few things and only a narrow colour spec­trum. I can’t quite put my finger on why this is the case. Some­times it takes a little distance and self-reflec­tion. I’ve only had a little time for the latter in the last few weeks.

But I still had enough for a morning on the heath in summer. A beau­tiful morning. Unfort­u­na­tely it was cloud­less, but I still managed to get some nice pictures.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

Late summer | France

I had just mentioned it. The last few weeks have been turbu­lent. Shortly before our holiday in the south of France, we had water damage in the base­ment. Making a virtue out of neces­sity, we were at least able to relax on the beach while the buil­ding dryers were running.

However, when we got back home, the work really started. On top of that, I came down with corona, then a cold, and so on and so forth. But no matter. We really enjoyed our stay in France. Ever­y­thing was a bit like it used to be. Care­free and light. La vie est belle. You can clearly see this posi­tive mood in my pictures in France. I liked them with more colours, also with more light to set accents. Actually, I hardly ever got the weather I wanted this year. But one evening in the south of France, ever­y­thing was just perfect.

Sony a7IV + Sony FE 100–400 mm GM

This and all other shots of this post you can request under “Prints” as an art print for your wall at home directly from me. 

Autumn | fog and bad weather

Unfort­u­na­tely, the late year was over far too quickly. I was able to make a VLOG with a foggy mood in Kraichgau, then another one at the Wegeln­burg in France. I wrote about this in one of my last videos. A great loca­tion with light and dark sides. Again, great shots where I also saw the colours as part of the composition.

What also made up a signi­fi­cant part of the late autumn in our region was the rain and the bad weather. As the weather this year seemed like it wasn’t going to stop raining at all, I went out one Sunday morning to perhaps look for some small but nice autumn details in our woods. To my surprise, I even found a little snow. But the autumn colours that were still present were also impres­sive. A nice little VLOG was created about how you can protect yourself and your equip­ment in bad weather. If the bad weather some­times stops you from taking photos, you might want to take a look so that you don’t miss any great moody atmo­spheres in the future.

This was a really great end to the photo­gra­phic year for me. I was even able to take a little winter inter­lude in my home town before we left for rehab, which I was very happy about. If I was able to take some more great shots on Sylt, you’ll defi­ni­tely see them in the next few weeks.

In any case, I’m delighted that you’ve swit­ched on again and wish you good health for the coming year, as well as always beau­tiful light and weather for your photo­graphy. Have a good start into the next year! See you then, take care and ciao!

VLOG to the BLOG

An eventful year lies behind me. And, as is probably the case for all of us, I have expe­ri­enced many highs and lows. Photo­gra­phi­cally and perso­nally. This video is about looking back at ever­y­thing and what influence my perso­na­lity and expe­ri­ences have had on my and your photography.

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