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Ein Morgen am See 

Obwohl ich im Winter für den Sonnen­auf­gang wesent­lich später hätte aufstehen müssen, als jetzt, wo es schon bald Früh­ling wird, bin ich kaum zum Foto­gra­fieren unter­wegs gewesen. Aber heute habe ich mich über­wunden, denn ich wollte eine träu­me­ri­sche Aufnahme an einem See mit Morgenrot aufnehmen. Also raus aus den Federn, solange die Familie noch schläft und los zu einem nicht all zu weit entfernten See.

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Taking photos when the weather doesn’t cooperate 

Oh man, I wish I’d just stayed in bed. Now I have 30 minutes of hiking uphill in complete dark­ness through the Pala­ti­nate Forest and over an hour’s drive behind me and I’m stan­ding here in the middle of the fog soup instead of above it as planned. And yet the weather models were all in agree­ment. Fog level, dawn, ever­y­thing should have been fine. What now? Turn around, go home and give up or pull through and see what you can get out of it with a little crea­ti­vity? In this BLOG/VLOG, I finally get to grips with the auto­matic focus bracke­ting of my Sony a7IV, go in the direc­tion of B&W fine art with my images, show you how to get black and white images quickly and easily in LR/PS and prove to you that giving up is not an option and that you can always find some­thing photo­gra­phi­cally interesting!

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Photo­gra­phing mush­rooms in the forest 

Fall time is mush­room time. And although I was told it wasn’t going to be a mush­room year this year, I was comple­tely surprised when I saw mush­rooms ever­y­where to my left and right on my jogging route. While I was running, I thought to myself that a visit to the forest with my camera would be wort­hwhile. At home I set up my equip­ment and saw the email that the Sony a7IV can now do focus bracke­ting. I have to try that out. So I quickly installed the update and headed into the forest before the sun went down. Trans­lated with (free version) 

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Fokus-Stacking in Photoshop 

Was ist denn das? Als ich joggend an diesem Baum­stumpf vorbei­lief, hatte ich direkt den Plan für die nächste Stunde im Kopf. Ich lief nach Hause, duschte mich schnell ab und fuhr mit dem Fahrrad zurück zu der Stelle im Wald. Ich wollte das Abend­licht nutzen, um diesen Baum­stumpf samt Kame­ra­aus­rüs­tung erneut einen Besuch abzu­statten und ihn zu foto­gra­fieren. In diesem VLOG/BLOG widmen wir uns dem kompletten Prozess des Fokus-Stackings, von der Aufnahme vor Ort, bis zur Bild­be­ar­bei­tung in Ligh­t­room und Photo­shop. Beson­ders inter­es­sant für die Foto­grafen unter euch. 

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Forest photo­graphy in the rain — ideal or torture? 

What do you do on a Sunday morning at 6 a.m. in summer? Right, you’re stan­ding deep in the forest in the pouring rain. Instead of wrap­ping myself up in my comforter again, the rain is drip­ping off my camera and nose. But I don’t want to moan, I chose this fate myself. Is rainy weather ideal for forest photo­graphy, or will the morning be torture for me? Read/see for yourself in today’s VLOG/BLOG

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Simply inde­scri­bable | Photo trip to the Faroe Islands 3/3

I’m sitting at the break­fast table in our flat, sipping comfor­tably on my laptop. The weather maps for the next two days show good weather for our plans. One more click and our ferries are booked. It’s easy and pretty straight­for­ward online. These are the Faroe Islands too. I’ve booked a ferry to Mykines and Puffin Island for us today and a ferry to Kalsoy for tomorrow. So the programme for the next few days is set. 

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Bein­dru­ckende Wasser­fälle | Foto-Reise auf die Färöer 2/3

The next few days on the Faroe Islands are coming up and it remains exci­ting. Over the next 48 hours, we will visit the capital, go to old mystical and legen­dary places, photo­graph water­falls in the rain, probably the most photo­gra­phed place in the Faroe Islands, climb the highest moun­tain in the archi­pe­lago and drive to the far north-east. But read for yourself. 

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Von wegen eintönig! | Foto-Reise auf die Färöer 1/3

Die Span­nung stieg. Die Koffer sind gepackt, das Foto-Equip­ment verstaut. Wir sind bereit für die Reise auf die Färöer. Vor dem Zubett­gehen noch einmal schnell die Zug- & Flug-Daten checken, dann nochmal für ein paar Stunden aufs Ohr hauen, bevor es wirk­lich los geht. Ich öffne meine Mails “Ihr Flug wurde stor­niert”. Was? Das darf doch wohl nicht wahr sein. Steht unsere Reise auf der Kippe? Wie wir trotzdem auf die Färöer kamen und was wir in den ersten beiden Tagen dort erlebten, lest ihr in diesem Blog.

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One picture is enough — photo chall­enge in the forest 

Suddenly over 1000 follo­wers! 1000 thanks to you all! I actually wanted to tell you about the Faroe Islands this week, but I’m still strugg­ling through the videos and pictures. So you’ll have to be patient a little longer. But to make sure you hear from me again, here’s a short enter­tai­ning video today. Out and about with my daughter, I set myself a photo chall­enge. But see for yourself! 😉

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Fanta­stic wild garlic photos — how to photo­graph and edit them 

Actually, I just wanted to take a quick walk through the forest and see when the wild garlic is ready to bloom again. But now I’m amazed to find myself stan­ding in the middle of a sea of white flowers in the other­wise green wild garlic forest. 3 weeks earlier than last year. That was certain. I’ll be back here tomorrow at the latest to take photos. 

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