My photo­gra­phic year 2022

Of course, my photo­gra­phic year 2022 was also charac­te­rized by photo­gra­phing my home country, but I was also able to visit some great more distant places and take beau­tiful pictures.

In this blog post, I’ve compiled my personal high­lights and go back through the past 12 months. 

Winter and spring

Winter is gene­rally a time of year when I don’t manage to go out photo­gra­phing quite as often. Although the nights are long and the good light can be found at favorable times of day. Also, the lower winter sun often allows for beau­tiful photos during the day as well. However, the land­scapes in my home region often look very bleak. So for great winter shots, the only option is often a trip to the moun­tains or the Black Forest. In some years, however, there is simply not enough time. 

Inver­si­ons­wet­ter­lage im Winter

However, a strong inver­sion weather brought us fog and frost in the Rhine-Neckar district at the begin­ning of the year. I used the bare trees to look for unusual compo­si­tions. By posi­tio­ning the camera correctly, the character of indi­vi­dual trees can be brought out. Some­times it also succeeds to tell whole stories. As here in the shot titled “The Admo­ni­tion”. The large tree in the fore­ground acts on me, like a father who admo­nishes his two children, the two trees in the background.

Die Ermah­nung | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/6.3, 1/160 Sek., ISO 400

Nebel in den Auen

In the further spring I had several times the fog in the Malscher meadow to the morning hours. I had a scene in mind that I really wanted to photo­graph. In April the amount of fog was perfect for it. So I was able to take the picture “In the misty haze”, in which at first glance the silhou­ette of the tree and at second glance the parish church of Malsch is recognizable.

Im Nebel­dunst | Sony a7 III @ 40 mm, f/11, 1/15 Sek., ISO 100

Super­mond im März

Of course I did not want to miss the super­moon over Malsch, my home­town. Ideal condi­tions which are not ever­yday met toge­ther. So the moon­rise was at the same time as the sunset, the low earth proxi­mity of the full moon and the clear weather some­thing that does not coin­cide every year. A luck that I stood ready and had time to make this admission. 

Super­mond in Malsch II | Sony a7 III @ 318 mm, f/5.6, 1/100 Sek., ISO 400

Jähr­li­ches Event: Die Bärlauchblüte

In May, the wild garlic bloom in my home was again at full speed. As soon as the condi­tions were right, I was on the spot and made the shots I had planned. 

Blühende Bärlauch­allee | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/11, 4 Sek., ISO 100 (Focus Stacked)
Frisches Grün im Früh­lings­wald | Sony a7 III @ 35 mm, f/16, 0,8 Sek., ISO 400
Morgen­stille in der Aue | Sony a7 III @ 31 mm, f/11, 1/200 Sek., ISO 1000
Durch­schaut | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/4, 1/640 Sek., ISO 250

Abendrot an der Letzenbergkapelle

One shot I am parti­cu­larly proud of is the follo­wing image of the Letzen­berg Chapel. Not only that it was one of the last shots of my first drone, no also tech­ni­cally and from the image compo­si­tion, it is successful in every respect. At home, the tempt­a­tion was great to sit on the sofa, but I grabbed the photo equip­ment and went again with the bike. For a few weeks now, this photo­graph has been hanging framed on my wall as a fine art print, measu­ring 60×40 cm. It looks fantastic. 

Nature photo of the summer 2022 compe­ti­tion — Top 100 

“Evening glow over the Letzen­berg Chapel” reached the top 100 in the Nature Photos of Summer 2022 compe­ti­tion by Nature Photo­graphy Germany. 

Abendrot über der Letzen­berg­ka­pelle | DJI Mavic Air 2 @ 4.5 (24) mm, f/2.8, 1/50 Sek., ISO 100 (Vertical Pano)

This and all other shots of this post you can request under “Prints” as an art print for your wall at home directly from me. 

Summer in Sardinia

I had so many ideas where we could have gone on our summer vaca­tion, but my wife said, “How about Sardinia?”. Of course it turned into a vaca­tion in Sardinia, because who can contra­dict his wife? I hope of course you never have! 😉

Eignet sich Sardi­nien für Landschaftsfotografie?

I had never read or seen much on the subject of land­scape photo­graphy in Sardinia before, so I was skep­tical at first. After a little rese­arch on Google Earth and also on the Internet, I thought it could have poten­tial. What can I say. I have never returned from a vaca­tion with such an abun­dance of beau­tiful shots. I can’t even present all of them here on my website, that would go beyond the scope. Gladly you could but in my four-part blog post Land­schafts­fo­to­grafie in Flip-Flops lesen.

Morgenrot am Strand von Stin­tino | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/14, 0,8 Sek., ISO 100
Frag­men­tiert | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/16, 1,3 Sek., ISO 1000
Hollowed | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/16, 0,6 Sek., ISO 100

Fokus auf kleine Szenen und intime Landschaften

In parti­cular, I wanted to shoot more small details, more inti­mate land­scape shots or even so-called small back­drops in Sardinia and also in the future. I noticed that some­times it’s not so easy to switch. From “Grand Vista” to “Small Scene”, so to speak. It’s mainly a matter of the head, but the eye also needs to switch a little from the big expanse to the small, inte­res­ting one. 

Wellen­bre­cher | Sony a7 III @ 35 mm, f/16, 8 Sek., ISO 100
Wind­schatten | Sony a7 III @ 100 mm, f/16, 1/640 Sek., ISO 2500

Urbane Land­schaften

Of course, a little sight-seeing was also on the program. Which is why also the one or other land­scape shot of city­scapes emerged. The best shot I managed at the city wall of Alghero. 

Abend an der Altstadt Alghero | Sony a7 III @ 18 mm, f/16, 15 Sek., ISO 100

Foto­gra­fi­sche Orte aufsu­chen und nicht Fotos planen

For the stay in Sardinia I had sear­ched in advance less for compo­si­tions and shots to emulate them, but I tried to find more places with poten­tial, which I then tried to visit in time depen­ding on the weather. So I could give free rein to my crea­ti­vity. Two of these places were, for example, the Sinis Penin­sula or Punta Molara.

San Giovanni di Sinis III | Sony a7 III @ 17 mm, f/11, 1/4 Sek., ISO 100
San Giovanni di Sinis V | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/16, 1/3 Sek., ISO 100
Blaue Stunde an der Isola Tavo­lara | Sony a7 III @ 17 mm, f/11, 8 Sek., ISO 100
Tavo­lara Graveyard | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/16, 4 Sek., ISO 100
Land­schafts­fo­to­grafie in Flip-Flops | DJI Mini 3 Pro @ 6.7 mm, f/1.7, 1/640 Sek., ISO 100

Late summer

Not all shots are always planned. Here at the Hermi­tage in Waghäusel we waited for a sunset red that did not appear. The shot we had in mind and planned, so we did not succeed. But we noticed the beau­tiful lighting around the historic buil­ding after sunset. We decided to wait a few minutes and then let our drones rise. The result is this powerful top-down image: “The Ring”.

The Ring | DJI Mini 3 Pro @ 6.7 mm, f/1.7, 1/13 Sek., ISO 1160

Stay at Lake Hallstatt

It was the first time I connected with a local profes­sional photo­grapher via Youtube/Instagram to find out the best photo spots in his home region: Chris­tian Irmler

He was kind enough to tell me, in addi­tion to the clas­sics of the Salz­kam­mergut, some not so well-known places that are always worth visi­ting. Thus, some breath­ta­king shots were taken during our 7‑day stay in Austria. 

Morgen in Hall­statt | Sony a7 III @ 26 mm, f/16, 10 Sek., ISO 100 (Focus Stacked)
Dead | Sony a7 III @ 324 mm, f/8, 1/800 Sek., ISO 3200
Ein Hauch von Yose­mite | Sony a7 III @ 135 mm, f/8, 1/400 Sek., ISO 100

Nature photo of the summer 2022 compe­ti­tion — Top 100 

“Myste­rious Gollinger Fall” reached the top 100 in the Nature Photos of Summer 2022 contest by Nature Photo­graphy Germany. 

Geheim­nis­voller Gollinger Fall | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/13, 1 Sek., ISO 100

Sonnen­auf­gangs­tour auf den Krippenstein

Despite the begin­ning of September and the thus early times of sunrise, I once even made it to a “moun­tain top”. On the Krip­pen­stein, above Lake Hall­statt I stood in beau­tiful condi­tions at sunrise and a number of beau­tiful shots with inte­res­ting compo­si­tions were taken. 

Nature photo of the summer 2022 compe­ti­tion — Top 100 

“First light at Krip­pen­stein” reached the top 100 in the Nature Photos of Summer 2022 compe­ti­tion of Nature Photo­graphy Germany. 

Blaue Stunde am Krip­pen­stein | Sony a7 III @ 18 mm, f/11, 1/4 Sek., ISO 100
Erstes Licht am Krip­pen­stein | Sony a7 III @ 20 mm, f/11, 1/5 Sek., ISO 100
Erste Sonnen­strahlen am Krip­pen­stein | Sony a7 III @ 16 mm, f/11, 1/25 Sek., ISO 100

Border crossers

Why border crossers? As a land­scape photo­grapher, you are always a border crosser, but never beyond. You prefer to go into untouched nature, but never to the extent that you would harm it by your presence. One photo­graphs mostly at the border, or the tran­si­tion between day and night. One photo­graphs at the border between land and water, moun­tain and valley, … Borders create tension and emotional contrasts in photo­graphs, that’s why we look for the borders to go there. To photograph. 

Grenz­gänger | DJI Mini 3 Pro @ 6.7 mm, f/1.7, 1/1000 Sek., ISO 100
Depth | Sony a7 III @ 235 mm, f/11, 1/500 Sek., ISO 160
Baum­grenze | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/4, 1/500 Sek., ISO 160
Reflec­tions | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/4, 1/500 Sek., ISO 320

This and all other shots of this post you can request under “Prints” as an art print for your wall at home directly from me. 


Autumn this year came late. First the relent­less drought in the summer. For weeks without preci­pi­ta­tion. First trees threw off leaves already in the summer months due to the drought stress. Then, however, when it cooled down a bit and rained signi­fi­cantly more for some time, nature reco­vered a bit and it seemed as if it wanted to take the chance. So the autumn color in the forests came a little later than usual and it also lasted surpri­singly long, as autumn storms were absent for a surpri­singly long time. The tran­si­tion to frost came almost abruptly. 

Thing­stätte | DJI Mini 3 Pro @ 6.7 mm, f/1.7, 1/400 Sek., ISO 100
Die Letzen­berg­ka­pelle im Nebel­kleid | DJI Mini 3 Pro @ 6.7 mm, f/1.7, 1/240 Sek., ISO 100
Solid und Volatil | Sony a7 III @ 24 mm, f/13, 0,4 Sek., ISO 400
In der Karl­s­tal­schlucht | Sony a7 III @ 20 mm, f/13, 0,4 Sek., ISO 100
Equi­li­brium | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/5.6, 0,8 Sek., ISO 100

Erste Versuche in neuem foto­gra­fi­schen Feld

It is in my nature to always try out new fields new crea­tive tech­ni­ques. So I disco­vered many inte­res­ting shots on the Internet, which were taken with the so-called ICM tech­nique. ICM means Inten­tional Camera Move­ment. So inten­tional camera move­ment during the recor­ding. This allows to achieve an even stronger abstrac­tion, or even a pain­terly effect. As if a painter had deli­bera­tely drawn an oil drawing more abstractly. Of course, I also made a few attempts. This picture from many others was in my opinion, however, the abso­lute best. I for myself feel that the abstrac­tion should not go into the unre­co­gnizable, but the viewer should reco­gnize quite after some viewing time, what it is about. 

Autumn Contrasts | Sony a7 III @ 150 mm, f/5.6, 0,4 Sek., ISO 100
Grow Or Rotten | Sony a7 III @ 291 mm, f/8, 0,6 Sek., ISO 800 (Focus Stacked)
Es war einmal in Gond­wana | Sony a7 III @ 105 mm, f/13, 0,6 Sek., ISO 800 (Focus Stacked)
Der Bogen | Sony a7 III @ 73 mm, f/16, 0,5 Sek., ISO 800 (Focus Stacked)
Bläss­huhn | Sony a7 III @ 339 mm, f/5.6, 1/500 Sek., ISO 640

Erkran­kung unserer Tochter

Unfort­u­na­tely, the last month of the year was marked for us perso­nally with the illness of our daughter. Photo­graphy as a hobby I ther­e­fore had to cut back signi­fi­cantly, because the most important thing for us was the reco­very of our child. 

In the first cold snap of winter, prevai­ling fog at night created a beau­tiful winter land­scape of hoar­frost. Forests, meadows and trees were covered with hoar­frost and shrouded in beau­tiful white. A true para­dise for photo­graphers. At every corner beau­tiful motives. In fact, I managed to get out the door one morning and take some great shots, roun­ding off my photo­gra­phic year that I had not dreamed myself so. 

Ein Hauch von Winter | Sony a7 III @ 400 mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 Sek., ISO 640

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