Behind the shot

Sommer­sonne für inter­es­sante Land­schafts- und Detail­auf­nahmen nutzen 

Ich bin ein weiteres mal in meiner Heimat unter­wegs. Diesmal nutze ich die Sommer­sonne in den Morgen­stunden für einige schöne Land­schafts- und Details­auf­nahmen. Nicht alles verlief nach Plan, aber dank einigen krea­tiven Ideen im Umgang mit dem direkten Gegen­licht der aufge­henden Sonne, kam ich dennoch zu einigen inter­es­santen Aufnahmen an diesem Morgen. Viel­leicht ist auch für euch die eine oder andere Inspi­ra­tion dabei!

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Land­schafts­fo­to­grafie & Fami­li­en­ur­laub auf einen Nenner bringen 

Als Hobby-Land­schafts­fo­to­graf hat man es nicht leicht beim Thema Urlaub. Gerne würde man noch sehr viel mehr Zeit auf Reisen verbringen oder im Urlaub eben mehr seiner Leiden­schaft für die Natur­fo­to­grafie nach­gehen. Um dir bei diesem Schla­massel etwas zu helfen, und euch vor einem Fami­li­en­streit zu bewahren, habe ich einige Tipps zusam­men­ge­tragen, wie es dir gelingt Urlaub und das Hobby der Land­schafts­fo­to­grafie zu verbinden, ohne dass die Familie Abstriche machen muss und du viel­leicht dennoch zu einigen Port­fo­lio­reifen Bildern kommen kannst. 

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50 tips for the land­scape photo­graphy beginner 

You want to start with land­scape photo­graphy? Then this is the post for you! This is about 50 important tips for the land­scape photo­graphy beginner, some of which I would have liked to know myself when I started land­scape photo­graphy. So be sure to read it before you start! And maybe there are also some helpful tips for more expe­ri­enced photographers.

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Behind the shot

Share or protect photo locations? 

The world of photo­graphy has changed drasti­cally in recent years. With the ever-growing popu­la­rity of social media plat­forms like Insta­gram and Flickr, the hunt for the perfect photo has become a kind of compe­ti­tion. Espe­ci­ally in nature and land­scape photo­graphy, photo­graphers are faced with the ques­tion of whether they should share their disco­vered photo loca­tions or whether they should rather protect these secrets. In this article, we take a look at the advan­tages and disad­van­tages of these two approaches.

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From digital land­scape image to fine art print 

The number of images taken in the world increases year after year. Many of them sink into insi­gni­fi­cance in the depths of data carriers. But still they exist, the snapshots or even high-calibre, well-planned, well-composed photo­graphs that are abso­lutely worth prin­ting out in the best possible quality and hanging on the wall so that ever­yone who comes to visit can see them. On the way from camera sensor to fine art pigment print on exclu­sive photo paper (or photo print behind acrylic, canvas etc.) there are some pitfalls that I would like to explain in this blog post.

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Your photo­graphs reflect your soul — how I have reco­g­nised it 

This blog post is probably the most personal post I have written so far. It begins with a stroke of fate in our still young family, as I always thought, some­thing like that won’t happen to us. About how I sought comfort in photo­graphy and how, after a few weeks of self-reflec­tion and looking at my photos from this diffi­cult time, I realised that our photo­graphs undoub­tedly reflect our souls. 

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How to take mini­ma­list forest photos 

Mini­ma­list forest shots are anything but boring. They can exude an incre­dible sense of calm and rela­xa­tion, but still offer plenty to discover. But how do you manage to capture such images with a photo­graph? Do the bare forests of late winter lend them­selves to this? In this blog post, I’ll get to the bottom of these ques­tions and give you some helpful tips on how you too can take great mini­ma­list forest photos. 

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