Behind the shot

Forest photo­graphy in the rain — ideal or torture? 

What do you do on a Sunday morning at 6 a.m. in summer? Right, you’re stan­ding deep in the forest in the pouring rain. Instead of wrap­ping myself up in my comforter again, the rain is drip­ping off my camera and nose. But I don’t want to moan, I chose this fate myself. Is rainy weather ideal for forest photo­graphy, or will the morning be torture for me? Read/see for yourself in today’s VLOG/BLOG

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Behind the shot

One picture is enough — photo chall­enge in the forest 

Suddenly over 1000 follo­wers! 1000 thanks to you all! I actually wanted to tell you about the Faroe Islands this week, but I’m still strugg­ling through the videos and pictures. So you’ll have to be patient a little longer. But to make sure you hear from me again, here’s a short enter­tai­ning video today. Out and about with my daughter, I set myself a photo chall­enge. But see for yourself! 😉

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Behind the shot

Fanta­stic wild garlic photos — how to photo­graph and edit them 

Actually, I just wanted to take a quick walk through the forest and see when the wild garlic is ready to bloom again. But now I’m amazed to find myself stan­ding in the middle of a sea of white flowers in the other­wise green wild garlic forest. 3 weeks earlier than last year. That was certain. I’ll be back here tomorrow at the latest to take photos. 

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Behind the shot

How to deal with bad weather 

At the moment, we land­scape photo­graphers are pretty much left out in the rain. Late last year was one of the rainiest in recent years, at least in my home region. In this BLOG post, you can find out why the rain and the eternal grey shouldn’t stop you from taking photos and how you can deal with the wet.

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Auf der Suche nach magi­schem Licht im Zauberwald 

Unter denkbar schlech­testen Bedin­gungen für die Wald­fo­to­grafie bin ich im Zauber­wald des Schwarz­walds unter­wegs. Kein einfa­ches Unter­fangen. Doch auf der Suche nach dem magi­schen Licht des Zauber­waldes schaffe ich es dennoch zu einigen wenigen zauber­haften Bildern zu kommen. Lest hier den BLOG zum VLOG.

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Krai-Woog-Gumpen Waterfall 

During a stay in the southern Black Forest, I was able to photo­graph the beau­tiful water­fall called Krai-Woog-Gumpen. Read the blog to find out how I managed to take great pictures despite poor photo conditions.

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Behind the shot

Share or protect photo locations? 

The world of photo­graphy has changed drasti­cally in recent years. With the ever-growing popu­la­rity of social media plat­forms like Insta­gram and Flickr, the hunt for the perfect photo has become a kind of compe­ti­tion. Espe­ci­ally in nature and land­scape photo­graphy, photo­graphers are faced with the ques­tion of whether they should share their disco­vered photo loca­tions or whether they should rather protect these secrets. In this article, we take a look at the advan­tages and disad­van­tages of these two approaches.

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How to take mini­ma­list forest photos 

Mini­ma­list forest shots are anything but boring. They can exude an incre­dible sense of calm and rela­xa­tion, but still offer plenty to discover. But how do you manage to capture such images with a photo­graph? Do the bare forests of late winter lend them­selves to this? In this blog post, I’ll get to the bottom of these ques­tions and give you some helpful tips on how you too can take great mini­ma­list forest photos. 

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