
Photo oppor­tu­ni­ties at Lake Gosau 

In this blog post, I intro­duce you to a beau­tiful photo loca­tion in Austria: the Gosausee. In my eyes, it is one of the most beau­tiful land­scapes in Austria and ther­e­fore a favou­rite desti­na­tion for me as a photo­grapher. The calm waters of the lake, surrounded by the maje­stic moun­tains of the Hohe Tauen, make the lake a spec­ta­cular place to take unique photos.

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My photo­gra­phic year 2022 

Of course, my photo­gra­phic year 2022 was also charac­te­rized by photo­gra­phing my home country, but I was also able to visit some great more distant places and take beau­tiful pictures. 

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